Handcuffed, animation canceled when movement

Hello, when I set a anim if the player is cuffed, we can see him cuffed and when he moved the animation is automatically cancel, can someone help me please ?

if IsHandcuffed then


			while not HasAnimDictLoaded('mp_arresting') do

			local myPed = PlayerPedId(-1)
			local animation = 'idle'
			local flags = 16
			while(IsPedBeingStunned(myPed, 0)) do
			TaskPlayAnim(myPed, 'mp_arresting', animation, 8.0, -8, -1, flags, 0, 0, 0, 0)


I think your animation flags are off/incorrect, not 100% sure though.

You can take a look at a working version I created a long time ago, but actually never released before. It uses different flag and I have not had any issues where it’d suddenly remove the animation when you start moving.
Link Here

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