Hand On Radio

dmed you the m menu discord

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Was trying to make the on key press version for everyone, not sure what I did wrong, but its not working for LEFT ALT - 19

	while true do
		if(IsControlJustPressed(1, 19)) then
			local ped = GetPlayerPed( -1 )
			if ( DoesEntityExist( ped ) and not IsEntityDead( ped ) ) then 
				RequestAnimDict( "random@arrests" )
				while ( not HasAnimDictLoaded( "random@arrests" ) ) do 
					Citizen.Wait( 100 )
					if IsEntityPlayingAnim(ped, "random@arrests", "generic_radio_chatter", 3) then
						SetCurrentPedWeapon(ped, GetHashKey("GENERIC_RADIO_CHATTER"), true)
						TaskPlayAnim(ped, "random@arrests", "generic_radio_chatter", 8.0, 2.5, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
						SetCurrentPedWeapon(ped, GetHashKey("GENERIC_RADIO_CHATTER"), true)
		if(IsControlJustReleased(1, 19)) then
			-- do nothing

if someone else wants to pick up where i stopped feel free.

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try adding a extra end at the bottom just after do nothing control

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if thats all it is ill be so mad lol

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np did you get it too work then lol

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that was all it was, but it was toggle not press release so i had to do some more work, but you helped alot thanks!

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How can i get the hand on the radio on my RP

Handonradio.rar (869 Bytes) for people that dont no how to do it

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Great job!
(20 chars)

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Original_Gamers i wanna make it if i press left alt its makes the command can you give me the server.lua ?

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I don’t think you understand pressing a key is pointless executing a command, you can assign it so if you press left alt it will perform the hand on radio animation or function.


i understand that but i don’t have the developed file for the button this server.lua it’s working for a msg

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wich is the right one

Can you please post the code for release?

where do i put this for it to work

can someone help me by making it the alt key instead of having to type in/r in chat

Is this server side only, or also client side

How can i make it that only cops allowed to do it?. And when i press CAPS LOOK it do the hand on radio cuze i have a script for realistic radio sound.

Can someone show me a screenshot?
