Haestorm RolePlay | QB Core | NON-ELS | South Carolina Based | JOIN TODAY!

Looking for a fire chief


MadReborn | South Carolina Based | Richland County | QB Core controller friendly(keep reading)

Madreborn is growing community we are looking for more members to help us grow, we are a close knit community, LGBT+ friendly everyone is welcome unless you cause drama, we hate drama.

Adult ran, zero policy for drama.

We are a qb server yes, but not the typical qb server, what do I mean? I mean we have the ability to use the weapon wheel instead of the hot bar, food and water take some time to need to be refilled, prices for houses and cars aren’t bad and each job has a good paying amount, we value the RP experience that come with the framework so we made it simple, don’t need to grind for weeks for a house. We have nightly bonuses that go out to people who join and rp for that night we also have car shows every Friday night with 100k for the winner.

We have custom South Carolina EUP, vehicles, livery’s, and we utilize actual SC laws.

We currently operate 5 departments:

South Carolina Highway Patrol with State transport police subdivision.

Richland County Sheriff’s Department

Columbia Police Department(NEW)

Lexington County Sheriff’s Department(NEW)

Columbia/Richland Fire and EMS

All are hiring for active members.

We have plenty for non emergency service members as well:

Plenty of qbcore jobs to choose from.

Plenty of houses, to choose from with the option to customize the inside or have it already furnished.

The ability to be who you want to be.

We are always open to suggestions, and ideas to help improve our server, we have a suggestion box within the server to post stuff you think would be a good addition.

Do you have a gang, club, or any type of job you would like implemented? Let a dev know they can work it in for you.

Real life civilian replace cars added daily, we plan on having every in game car replaced with its actual real life version eventually.

Do you do dev work? We could use you let. Speak to the owners or admins today and if you fit the bill we can get you text up with a zilezilla account to start helping out.

Please refrain from joining if any of the following apply.

Don’t have a working mic :microphone:
Don’t have a computer :desktop_computer:
Don’t have a legal copy of gta/fivem installed

Also if you are looking for admin, staff, or a head of department position, we are not actively looking to fill any of those slots at this time but stick around positions can open.

Discord: 18+ MadReborn | QB Framework | South Carolina Based


We need civilians, mc clubs, and gangs.
We actively develop new scripts and implement them for a better RP experience, we are a growing community and open to suggestions.

Everything is in game so you don’t need to register characters, vehicles, or anything of that nature we have a working registration and insurance script which allows a more in depth experience

We are a South Carolina based QB Framework server, NOT a 100k or die server.

Nightly RP’s

Active Admin/Developer team

QS smartphone with social media platforms for in game


In game car music

Some jobs for civilians are:

Taco job
Garage collector
Truck driver
Bus driver
Delivery driver

We also have a mafia, maybe they will let you in there family, who knows?
And others that are getting worked on and open to the suggestions of new jobs as well.

Plenty of stuff to do, join the fun today !

Teaser video: https://youtu.be/9X7FV9BuXic

Bump bump

Welcome to Haestorm, a premier role-playing community on the FiveM platform. As a QBCore server, we provide an immersive experience set in the beautiful state of South Carolina focusing on the enchanting county of Charleston. Our community is centered around the captivating world of First Responders, where you can step into the shoes of police officers, firefighters, and paramedics.

At Haestorm, we value quality of life and strive to make your role-playing experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. We’ve implemented various enhancements to ensure a smooth gameplay experience, while still maintaining a strong focus on realism and immersion.

But what truly sets us apart is our commitment to building a tight-knit family community. We believe in fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Whether you’re a seasoned role-player or new to the scene, we encourage you to join our growing community and embark on exciting adventures together.

So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of First Responders, Haestorm is the place to be. Join us and become a part of our ever-expanding family. Let’s create unforgettable memories and forge lasting friendships along the way! :fire_engine::police_car::ambulance:

Founded 08/19/2023.