Groups.lua Is not working

Some think in the code is not working in the console say :

 modules/admin.lua:405 in function 'tank_god'
local cfg = {}

-- define each group with a set of permissions
-- _config property:
--- gtype (optional): used to have only one group with the same gtype per player (example: a job gtype to only have one job)
--- onspawn (optional): function(player) (called when the player spawn with the group)
--- onjoin (optional): function(player) (called when the player join the group)
--- onleave (optional): function(player) (called when the player leave the group)
--- (you have direct access to vRP and vRPclient, the tunnel to client, in the config callbacks)

cfg.groups = {
  ["superadmin"] = {
    _config = {onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"VocĂȘ Ă© um SuperAdmin."}) end},
  ["admin"] = {
  ["moderador"] = {
    _config = {onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"VocĂȘ Ă© um ~r~moderador."}) end},
  -- the group user is auto added to all logged players
  ["user"] = {
    "police.seizable" -- can be seized
 ["Sedex"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Coronel"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
   ["Comandante"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
   ["Sub.Comandante"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
  ["Recruta PMESP"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
  ["1°Sarg"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
   ["2°Sarg"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
   ["3°Sarg"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
  ["Cap"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
  ["TenCoronel. PMESP"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
  ["Soldado"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
    ["Cabo"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
  [" 1°Ten"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
    ["tenete"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
      ["2tenete"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
    ["Sub.tenete"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
  ["Maj. ROTA"] = {
    _config = { 
      gtype = "job",
      onjoin = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{true}) end,
      onleave = function(player) vRPclient.setCop(player,{false}) end
    "-police.seizable" -- negative permission, police can't seize itself, even if another group add the permission
  ["Paramédico"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["MecĂąnico"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job"},
  ["Taxi"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Entregador"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["LadrĂŁo de Carros"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Traficante de Maconha"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Traficante de Metanfetamina"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Traficante de Cocaina"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Traficante de Tartaruga"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Traficante de Armas"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Assassino Profissional"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Hacker"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["mugger"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Advogado"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },
  ["Transportador de Valores"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job",
	onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"VocĂȘ Ă© um piloto de carro forte."}) end
  ["Desempregado"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job" },

-- groups are added dynamically using the API or the menu, but you can add group when an user join here
cfg.users = {
  [1] = { -- give superadmin and admin group to the first created user on the database

-- group selectors
-- _config
--- x,y,z, blipid, blipcolor, permissions (optional)

cfg.selectors = {
  ["Agencia de Empregos"] = {
    _config = {x = -268.363739013672, y = -957.255126953125, z = 31.22313880920410, blipid = 351, blipcolor = 47},
	"Transportador de Valores",
  ["Empregos Ilegais"] = {
    _config = {x = 707.324462890625, y = -966.986511230469, z = 30.4128551483154, blipid = 351, blipcolor = 49},
	"LadrĂŁo de Carros",
	"Traficante de Metanfetamina",
	"Traficante de Maconha",
	"Traficante de Tartaruga",
	"Traficante de Cocaina",	

return cfg

This seems to be vRP related.

Please ask for support in the original resource topic only. Do not start new topics about issues/questions regarding specific resources.

This way the forums won’t get cluttered with a ton of topics for small issues, which may or may not have already been solved or answered in the original topic.

That way everyone can find their answers and ask their questions in one place, so the original creators get notified of the question and everyone knows where to look for answers and where to support others with a specific resource.



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