Glowing brakediscs - v3.0

Hello, it’s me: the Apple.

  • Burnout: rear brakediscs glow

  • Braking: all brakediscs glow (front ones first)

  • /brakediscs disables glowing (locally)

This script uses the veh_exhaust_afterburner effect from core.

If the screenshot does not load, right-click->open in new tab.

Matching wheelsize

You can add a entry for each vehicle in client.js:

const brakedisclocation = { //brakediscs array for every car
  "removeMe": {x: 0.0, s: 0.5},
  "example2": {x: 0.02, s: 0.4}

removeMe is the model name.
This is an example entry and can be removed.

There is a /discs command, helping you to align the effect.
It has to be enabled first (set devMode to true).

  • /discs x + = Increase width.
  • /discs x - = Decrease width.
  • /discs size + = Increase size.
  • /discs size - = Decrease size.
  • /discs reset = Sets the width and size back to default.
  • /discs done = Prints the alignment correctly formatted so you can copy it from your logs and paste it into client.js.
  • v3.0:
    Recoded in JavaScript
    Improved performance
    Added custom effect (if you do not want it, delete the stream-folder
    Effect now uses alpha for better fade-in and fade-out

  • v2.0:
    Removed glow effect when using handbrake
    Everything is client side now, no more server sided tasks / calculations
    You can set a size and width for every vehicle, so it matches the wheelsize

  • v1.1:
    Removed glow effect on helicopters, planes and boats
    Fixed UseParticleFxAssetNextCall-error (13.6 MB)


you got any pictures of it glowing?

no pictures or video?

@Shotzzx @Hurt
screenshot added.

tested this on my server and it is very cool. good job thank you for the release

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Great release thank you

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All people in the server see it?

Yes, it’s synced.

Creative idea with the ptfx! Good job :+1:


Nice Man

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Great release man!

Would it be possible for you to let me know how to disable the glowing effect when using the handbrake? Thanks in advance.

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if((GetVehicleHandbrake(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0))) and (GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)) > 2.0)) then
	if(heat_rear < 300) then
		heat_rear = heat_rear + 2

remove these 6 lines from client.lua.

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Thank you very much!

Neat release. You might also consider throwing in wheel rotation speeds and what wheels are actually applied to (the brakes) most to get a realistic glow distribution.

Nice script work great when breaking,


That’s not really accurate, Your rear brakes apply pressure on the rotor when you do a burnout. In real life when doing a burnout your rear brakes will still slightly be touching the rotor. On some cars more than others. But it is possible that your brakes will catch fire if you reach a really high wheel speed when doing the burnout.

But I love this script. It creates a realistic effect of what it does in real life, I’m definitely gonna use this.

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i have a drift server to i use on my server (Overload Drift Evolution)
thx its great

and i have your nitro script active to :slight_smile:

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It seems you’re a bit clueless on how car brakes work in real life…

In most cars you see around, brake force is distributed between both front and rear axles, however, most of it is applied on the front axle since that is generaly where the engine sits. When braking a car most of it’s weight will transfer twoards the front part (thus the feeling of your car being dipped). By having more weight in the front axle, you will also need more stopping power. If you had most braking force in your rear wheels, you would have very inefficient braking and your wheels would lock up very easly.

As Jelle_Kremers said, when doing a burnout, you are applying the brakes, both front and rear, and after a while your rear rotors will start to glow and potentially catch fire (This in a RWD vehicle). Exception to this rule is the Ford’s Mustang 2018 which has a feature called “Line-Lock” which is basically a burnout mode. When activated, the car system will apply the front brakes only while the driver only has to press the gas pedal and it’s as easy as that.
If you are talking about a FWD car it’s different, as no brakes are applied (except the handbrake).

btw not hating on you, just explaining how it works lol

yeah you right, both front and rear wheels are breaking when burnout just different forces, I also see the video that rear break are glowing when doing burnout.

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With an helicopter this script become so funny (i disabled the script since i saw the result).

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