GetPedHeadBlendData(...) Not Working

The following Native is not working how it is supposed to.

Lines 5810 - 5812 - natives-universal.lua

function Global.GetPedHeadBlendData(ped)
	return _in(0x2746BD9D88C5C5D0, ped, _ii(headBlendData) --[[ may be optional ]], _r)

That is how it has to be to work properly.

function Global.GetPedHeadBlendData(ped, shapeMotherID, shapeFatherID, shapeExtraID, skinMotherID, skinFatherID, skinExtraID, shapeMix, skinMix, thirdMix)
	return _in(0x2746BD9D88C5C5D0, ped, _ii(shapeMotherID), _ii(shapeFatherID), _ii(shapeExtraID), _ii(skinMotherID), _ii(skinFatherID), _ii(skinExtraID), _fi(shapeMix), _fi(skinMix), _fi(thirdMix) --[[ may be optional ]], _r)

Does this native actually have this many arguments? One can’t pass structs using native wrappers.

It has, I tried it and it worked fine.