FiveM Platform Service Agreement

Oh yeah, that makes sense.

As long as none of the money is actually withdrawn for anything other than server costs, I don’t see the problem, even if more money is donated some months. FiveM still seem to be having issues with this though, considering their use of the term “acute”.

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That’s is something people can agree to disagree. I guess if you think about it like this. Would you rather fivem have a less strict policy and there be issues with Rockstar or would we like to keep fivem free and easy to use. Server like evolpcgaming can make ALOT of money in donations. Then what happens if they shutdown their fivem server then where does a that donations go. It’s community profit. Basically I can see why they have it in affect but some people like it some people dont. Personally I can go both ways on the dislike - like ratio.

Nobody is really wrong in the situation it’s just kinda how it is and I just appreciate them at least allowing donations for server costs. It could be worse and not allow any donations at all.

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Yeah. As long as the underlying motivation is for the underlying good I’m on board with FiveM all the way.

I was just trying to figure out if they were doing this out of envy/greed or because they are afraid it’s putting them on the Rockstar radar again. They all seem like nice blokes, though, so that’s likely not the case.

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So servers aren’t allowed to accept donations?

  • I think this is very clear *

Don’t make money off of FiveM. Not even your game services. Covering costs incurred from third parties (server rent, product licensing, …) is fine, however any additional profit (including ‘donations’ other than to cover acute costs) is not.

Are you profiting off donations, or covering server costs?

Hello, I have some questions :

  • What is the sanction if I do not share my scripts ?
  • Can I ask for some help to finalize my scripts, and don’t share the final scripts with anyone, even who help me ?
  • What the sanction if the access to my server is limited only to my Twitch subscribers ?
  • What is the sanctions if I do not respect this Service Agreement ?

Thank you for you clarification.

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Copy that sir. Thanks

Ok, a few questions.

Don’t make money off of FiveM. Not even your game services. Covering costs incurred from third parties (server rent, product licensing, …) is fine, however any additional profit (including ‘donations’ other than to cover acute costs) is not.

What happens if someone reports a server for “making a profit” does that server get sanctioned immediately or does fivem attempt to contact the server owner/managers first to get their story.

Share your contributions to the client itself.

So I need to share everything i make for a fivem server?

Start by banning this bloody server to force a white list, which people are forced to pay € 4.99 on a contraction page to access a certain community of which FiveM is not part … I would thank you

Sincerely, sharing is not a crime

Well, scripting takes time and there are alot of developers that work for different companies, who would create a gta 5 server just for the sake of it? I understand that pay to win is not okay, but not allowing donations at all over the cost of the host then that sucks, who works for free?

Me, that’s who. When it goes up I won’t even be taking donations. And one can script all they want, without GTA made by R* the scripts are worthless. You do know FiveM was shut down in the past, right? Cease and desist orders from take two interactive. Think big picture, not small. It’s my server, I decided to make one. I’ll pay for it.

I am ok with this because I really only need enough money to cover costs