FiveM only starts in Fullscreen or Windowed Borderless mode, and not in Windowed mode Part II

Closing an active topic to prove your point is faulty management.

So not a bug… It’s a feature? FiveM has implemented a feature that will override the user’s settings on a daily basis, unless they happen to waste their own time looking up this thread, and also know how to accurately modify their .ini file, to force upon them the most useless and undesirable window mode ever invented. Not a bug. A feature.

That meme above is right about one thing. Bug/Features make users their Bitch.

Does this feature have a better purpose?

Im confused as to what this was suppose to achieve? you asked for a solution you got the solution that everyone else got, i have not once seen this issue myself but i do know it happens and its a open project subject to changes that may or may not break something… it happens.

If you feel you can do better, please… do so.

The developers are only human and its a free to use software. it is what it is.

Getting upset over it is just sad and childish.

The only thing sad and childish is Painwithin being personally insulting and guilt-tripping someone trying to report an unneeded bug/error.


Yup, that makes sense.

We will roll with that.

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