Fire is only client side. How would I make server sided fire?

On a server i am using the Meth Lab fire however when testing my friends cant see the fire. Does anyone have any idea on how to make it server side?

You should an event to sync the fire call with all client

Thanks for the quick response! But how would i go about doing this?

have a look to this : [HELP] Need to know how to make particles sync with other players

Thanks, but would that create flames that spread and can set players and cars on fire because i noticed that but thought that wouldnt have the same effect as StartScriptFire

The thread I sended to you let you create a better fire effect than the native FireScript, but idk if it’s spreading or not

Ill try that now thanks, if it doesnt spread im just going to have to deal with it. Its just a shame that i cant use the native fire server side as firefighters usually have a boring job so i was trying to have it so the fire department didnt get bored.

Sorry if im being annoying but is that a server sided thing?

I don’t think so, I think it’s client-side

Just tried, my friend cannot see the effects

have you broadcast the event to all client ?

How would i go about doing that?

TriggerClientEvent(-1, "eventname) if you are server-side or TriggerEvent(-1, "eventname) (not sure for the second one)

Sorry, im a bit of a noob at this, we are trying to get it so on the press of a button we can set a fire (preferable the startscriptfire) so our fire-fighters can come and put out the fire. How would i put that together to do that

just told you how to do, when you press the button, you broadcast a client event to all client and this event contain the piece of code which start the fire

This is what i have in client:


AddEventHandler('fire', function ()
	local playerPos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
	StartScriptFire (playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z, 25, false)

and :

if IsControlPressed(1, 167) then
    TriggerClientEvent(-1, 'fire')

Is what i have in server but im not sure how to get it working

You are triggering your event from client-side, so you have to use TriggerEvent

Sorry if im annoying you but i dont get what you mean

TriggerClientEvent => TriggerEvent, because you are client-side

would that still require a server and client script?