Failed to connect to server after 3 attmpets

hey all

im new at fivereborn but i did install all things and put them in right place as u told

everthing looks fine but when i open the game from FiveReborn.exe it’s loading the server when i try to get in after a while message error show says

Failed to connect to server after 3 attempts

and sometimes comes fetal error or citizen error

i appreciate it if anyone help

Depends on the server you are trying to join/error, what error message do you receive?

Hello, I have the same issue, it only happens on my and on another server. It says:
connecting (attempt 1)
connecting (attempt 2)
connecting (attempt 3)
Failed to connect to server after 3 attempts.

Reseting my whole pc, port forwarding through firewall, disabled my antivirus

5 year old topic.