Experienced Developer and ex Co-Owner - Looking for an amazing Community

Vortex RP| CAD/MDT | Police/Fire/EMS/Civilians | Serious RP | MANY SCRIPTS & FEATURES |Whitelisted Cops| https://discord.gg/Q6g3r2Q/ my this one is the perfect one

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BUMP! Still looking for a server

BUMP! Still looking for a server

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BUMP - Still looking

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Still looking for a server, add me on discord Adam.#2963

Tried to add you but it came up with an error


bump (chars)

Currently running a server that’s in desparate need of a website redesign, and less desparate need of vehicle liveries. We use lore friendly vehicles, which isn’t up everyone’s street, so bear that in mind. Currently have ~40 members total.

FiveRP is looking for a manager if you’re still interested.

Bumpity bump bump

Are you still looking?
We may have a place for you. The Community is ran by adults and keeping it 18+ Community.

Redlinegaming is currently looking for some new
, experienced dev members atm, if you are still Interested join the discord ask to speak to crys or adzee for further Info https://discord.gg/BmEdnJ9

Come join street justice roleplay, a uniquely fictional serious roleplay community:
We have a custom lore.

Hi Adam!

Most people know me as Bowby or Adam Admin!

Please consider writing back to me and my community, it might look like we have a good server going on, but I can tell you it needs a lot of more work done, I could need another set of eyes for the server.! so eighter hook me up as Bowby#0001 (remember capital B) or join my server: https://discord.fixpixel.city/

Right now we have these things I am working on:

  • A new jail script allows you to work in the prison and remove the time of your sentence, but does not let you escape if someone helps you with a chopper to escape.

  • Just got a lot of custom vehicles for the servers police force, but now since they got reskinned it would be able to force spawn the car in a particle way so the things for the vehicles the same instead of being random.

  • Added a new in-game cad system for the police, but need to add some more features

-a lot more, but I would love to tell you more about this in a voice call on discord.

Hope to see you soon
Sincerely yours,

hi adam can you please update the dsicord or add me :slight_smile: James75#5587