[ESX+VRP] The Auto Repair Shop [RELEASE] [V1.5][1/16/2019]

Make sure your job is mecano <<< If you don’t have the job mecano then go in the script and change it to another specified job

When I remove the mecano part so everyone can do it, It always says enter no matter where you are. How can I fixed it?

Did you remove the distance check? aswell make sure you still have the distance check there you may of removed that just before the line should look like this.

if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1)), garageCoords2[1], garageCoords2[2], garageCoords2[3], true ) < 5 then

Perfect. Thanks. It finally works.

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Enjoy man glad I could help :smiley:

this does not work for me at all. with job set or with out nothing shows up.

any progress on this!? its a cool script

Trying to get time to work on this trying to get a few things for my server done before jumping back into this, but will for sure be updating this in the coming week or two, Making it more simple and flexible to allow multiple locations and adding blip and a progress bar is the main goal as well as adding an optional “Fast Repairs” option to get it done faster for a higher price.

You didn’t modify any of the script? You have read all the comments? and you went to the location in the video? as a 'mecano' job while in a vehicle?

yes, yes and yes. after trying it default settings i have moved its cords to the spot i would have it in and have moved all of the 3d text cords as well. having it set to work for every one or for just a job doesn’t fix help.

Released Version 1.5

Version 1.5 Changes (11/5/2019)

:heavy_check_mark: Cleaned the code a bit [Alot cleaner code to come in V2.0]
:heavy_check_mark: Added Comments in the code to explain things and tips
:heavy_check_mark: Added Menu - qalle
:heavy_check_mark: Added Ability to lock vehicle when repairs are finished
:heavy_check_mark: Added Premium Option
:heavy_check_mark: Added Optional SetEntityAsMissionEntity Just uncomment the code specified in client.lua
:heavy_check_mark: Added Payment Notification
:heavy_check_mark: Added Repair Blip

Enjoy :mascot::rp:
Video Preview [V1.5]

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How is this script coming along? I would love the ability to place a couple of these across the map.

Hello, for some reason only people with the mechanic job is able to use it, is there anyway to change it so anyone can use it please?

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If you read in the client.lua it states how to remove only mechanics being able to use it

Its on line 8

If I have enough time today, I’ll finish editing your script for additional shops.

Added VRP Version
Someone had gone out of their way to create a VRP Version with my permission and I have attatched and it to this thread be sure to contact him for VRP Support if you are having issues.

hey i’ve installed on my server based on dunko vrp, premium repair work properly, but not on normal repair, and i got this error , how can i fix that ? i love your work man

Fixed a typo. re-download it from the git

thanks man, appreciate that :kissing_closed_eyes:

Would be amazing if when you did this a PED would spawn and at least do the BIN emote on the vehicle! I know its probably a bit much or not possible… but would be sweet.

its 100% possible but then you run into issues with the ped spawning and having issues if multiple people are doing it at once and there is unlimited things that could happen that cause result in issues with that being implemented i’ll look into it, its 100% possible tho.