ESX Sell Drugs to NPCs (Weed Only)

remove this and

and success == true

Also i would like to note this checks for weed unprocessed not processed

oh i did it right i was getting an error because of this

local weed = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(‘weed’).count

20 charactersssss

ok so i did everything im getting this error its from the local weed

Error parsing script server.lua in resource ESX_DrugstoNPC: server.lua:5: unexpected symbol near ‘<\226>’
Failed to locfx> ad script server.lua.

Look on line 5 and you will see the characters around weed are incorrect on the pastebin

I’m getting this error… it says trying to convince person to buy product and then at the end of the progress bar it throws this error

How to i create so there is a 33% chance upon failed that they will call the cops?

for me it’s work 2 times then the script stop working, i cant sell any more .
any ideas ?

Is it a chance that the npc calls the police?

how did you fix it? [20 char]

can i add drugs like this?? or how do i do

is this how you add more drugs like coke?

Here is the new 100%work plugin weed, meth, coke, opium +dispatch

TriggerClientEvent(‘esx:showNotification’, source, ‘~y~Hello ~b~world~s~!’) try this

How do I change this so it’s not “weed” and it’s marijuana as with the new ESX Drugs its marijuana now, and also how do I change it so it’s not black money. Thanks

Hello, there is a bug i got. Even tho I don’t have any weed on my inventory scripts stills tries to sell drugs. Sometimes I get money sometimes I don’t based on math randoms. What should I do to check script my inventory if I have the drugs?

Edit: Fixed it as adding those codes four comments above but it still does animation. Player doesn’t get money anymore and a notification telling player doesn’t have on him any.

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Anyone found a way to not being able to sell if you dont have the items in your inventory?

did you find a solution?

Im sorry, I couldn’t.

Did you ever fix that ?