
Does anybody have Esx_Securityjob because I can’t find it anywhere.

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Moved to #development:scripts , don’t post in this category next time!


Banned for Backseat Moderating. /closed

What do you mean by that Pigeon?

What? Lol.

Another useless release post from a below average user of FiveM everyone!

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Feel like answering his question or are you just going to use that copy-pasted line?

Everyone has been in this guys position and I for one am going to actually help.

Here you go man:

I wish you luck! ~ Lance :mascot:


If I answered your answer correctly; Please flag this to staff as completed.

So where is the securityjob in that file, Lance.

It should be included as it’s own job inside of “esx_banksecurity”.

Don’t forget to install the esx_banksecurity.sql as well!

It is an sql file that is called security.sql but no securityjob file

There is a folder called esx_banksecurity

Use it as a seperate resource.

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