Esx phone controller keys

hey i would like to know how can i remove the controller keys for esx phone

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@foregz Go to esx_phone folder then go to the client folder then open main.lua
replace line 266 with

if ( IsControlJustReleased( 0, 288 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 0, 288 ) ) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and (GetGameTimer() - GUI.Time) > 150 then

You probably figured it out b now but that could help other.
This will still bind F1 to open phone but will disable controller keybind


Wow! Great timing lol! I was just looking for this! I appreciate it!

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f1 wont work for me please help

esx_phone.rar (242.4 KB)

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do you know how to change the controller keys into Arrow Keys? Like GTA5 story mode UP Arrow Key to open the phone?

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This doesn’t work. I’ve tried replacing the keys and it will not work. It still pulls up with f1 and A on the controller no matter what key I set it as.