Esx mafia, biker, cartel, gangjob

in gang jobs client and than main.lua when you go down ist there cords where stand 0.0,0.0,0,0.0,0.0 what and how i put the there example i will put this cord 23.383 34.4234 234.34234 but in the zeros is more than xyz ther is xyz xyz how i can put there my cords?

Why when I add 1 more mafia changing the names of mafia to for eg. rusa in the database, in client/main.lua and server/main.lua the mafia dont works

I get 1 error : !

Somone can tell me why ? becouse i cant see the area with the rusa mafia but the mafia mafia i can see everything

ive tried, I find I cant change mafia name or cartel or bike or gang

Where can I find in the files the range and how can I then assign to players

you must change
lines 1505 “for k,v in pairs(Config.MafiaStations) do” by your new name

type /setjob id mafia rank
/setjob 1 mafia 4

it’s in config.lua

Tanks. Only I have the problem that I always have a language error at Mafia job so I can’t see what you can do in the menu so maybe you could upload me your file that goes ? @kheire007

i know who can send me the job finished where the mod is without self scripting

in local folder you can change the lanquage by default it’s “fr”. you must translate it in your language

Is it possible to store objects like black money, drugs and other stuff in mafia stock???

How to i set myself to the mafia or bikerjob?

If you can’t get it at the job marker you can use the /setjob command. /setjob [playerid] jobname [rank]

Do anyone know why i cant withdraw items for mafia stock??

Hey i have a question about error, but all working but its happen when i press f8

Exactly the same thing happens to me, I replicate the mafia code, because it is the only one that works with the Menu of the F6: c

In the Config.lua, In the part of Display = 4, you can delete this “–”

Blip = {
Pos = { x = 425.130, y = -979.558, z = 30.711 },
Sprite = 60,
“–” Display = 4,
Scale = 1.2,
Colour = 29,

thank you:)

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Hi, The message “you have been searching by mafia” does not appear. what can i do?

In esx_mafia/clint/main.lua

change item.“label” with item.“name”