[ESX] Improved HUD (compatible allcity_wallet)

Do you have npc charecter if so you may want reset your account at database -> users

Explain better

So you just go a head and go to the es_extended and that’s about it

let me know on pm if you have something to ask.

Hello I can’t see job in the HUD. Have same problem as Pedro_Pimenta

Yea plese help somebody, I realy need this :slight_smile:

bar is empty job

make sure that es_extended config
Config.EnableHud = true

oh, thanks!

thx a lot :smiley:

someone found the solution here:

How can I change this for the double job?


my hud was like this and I already have Config.EnableHud = true

yo bois i need some help i need to put the money in cash into the bar on top with the job

or just the hide the money on the righ

What would be the easiest way of having this at the bottom of the screen rather than the top?

@TheCuban go on ur serveur.cfg (#start es_ui) very simple

I dont see the job money with the Job, can i enable it somwhere?

I need help boys, i want to put all in the bar, the money, bank, black money, company money, and job how can i do it?

How do I change the text size, like it’s so big on my server.

how can i remove the black box