[ESX] Border Patrol Job (DISCONTINUED)

they are there but no circle yet so its hard to find

Ok so you can’t access them?

not really but it will be fixed by end of the day

Ok thanks man can you let me know once it is finished and is there a converted ymap for the custom border map?

want me to convert it for u?

Yes please man.

gimme a min or 2

ok thanks

check the downloads at top it should be added

Ya it is there, Thanks man can’t wait for this job to be finished!

hope its done soon 2 :smiley:

Next time please ask before linking my vehicle pack. I don’t mind you putting in your post. But i’d like credit aswell. Other than that. Nice pack.

where are the blips for the outfits and cars

I am going to make it so u can search cars and also get changed with blips.

meaning it aint done yet and i have also said to other

Just jobs ATM.

i get this http://prntscr.com/nb8ej8 who know how to fix it @AtomicSquid

It seems u have already got a society_border bud

can not access anything.

Edit: fixed it, in the client and server lua all mafia replaced by border!

you already have one of them files in your database

Please add appropriate credits for the assets you pre-packed with this.

i am having issue with this job i cant find the spawners and there is no F6 menu so then do there job i did not add the map but i did do the SQL though @AtomicSquid