Error when starting server, no key specified

You can’t set a password for your server, you could however look for a whitelist script.

I did a bunch of research last night and figured that out. I did run upon another error after I tried to log on using localhost. [Window Title]
FiveM Error

[Main Instruction]
FiveM has stopped working

An error caused FiveM to stop working. A crash report is being uploaded to the FiveM developers. If you require immediate support, please visit and mention the details below.

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[Expanded Information]
Crash signature:
Report ID: 797ab1a9-1d97-411c-8d34-fc51e64a3a97 (use Ctrl+C to copy)

Did you instal any custom resources? If so then probably one of them is at fault. If you only installed the server-data default resources then please create a support request in the #technical-support section.

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