Error Vehicles.meta Join server help

To receive support, please fill out the following template, and remove this top text.

Up to date? YES
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? JostkiyBrodyaga
Windows version? Windows 10
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? Yes
Error screenshot (if any) Yes
System specificationsGood
What did you do to get this issue? Reinstall GTA V Reinstall FiveM, delete cache.
What server did you get this issue on? Umbrella RP ip :
CitizenFX.log file Yes
CitizenFX.log.2 (179.5 KB)
CitizenFX.log (203.7 KB)
.dmp files/report IDs

Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/srt8/data/handling.meta
done loading resources:/srt8/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter.
loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/srt8/data/vehicles.meta.
GlobalError: An exception occurred (c0000005 at 0x14060d383) during loading of resources:/srt8/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. The game will be terminated.
process exited with 36520640!


contact the server owner about this issue.

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[ 167360] loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/srt8/data/handling.meta.
[ 167360] Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/srt8/data/handling.meta
[ 167360] done loading resources:/srt8/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter.
[ 167360] loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/srt8/data/vehicles.meta.
[ 167360] GlobalError: An exception occurred (c0000005 at 0x14060d383) during loading of resources:/srt8/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. The game will be terminated.
[ 170063] process exited with 36520640!

refer to my earlier statement.

Are you trying to rejoin the server when this occurs? @_11

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