[Error] Can't connect to a server. GetPlayerIdentifiers without steam id/hex

I’ve got problem on my server. After running for around 7h, nobody could connect to it. They got a message http://prntscr.com/p8ueta. After hours of tests I relised that native GetPlayerIdentifiers isn’t giving steam id/hex at all. I’m running steam in the background all the time, same like my friends. It only happends to not get steam data on dedicated server. I downloaded all of the resources to my local server and I got data from steam.

I tried to disable all firewalls and stuff on dedicated server and still I can’t get players connecting steam id/hex.

Operating system on dedicated server: Windows Server 2016 OVH and newest server build

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As silly as it sounds, have you tried restarting the server?

Yes, I did that in first step, when I found out what is wrong.

Problem solved: OVH changed some options in rack, where my server is. Now everything is working properly.

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