Error 201

Also, make sure everything is up to date, no extra mods or files INCLUDING CUSTOM VEHICLES and follow the instructions above. If you are trying to use other mods I have an install for that too.

i have fixed it but know i hav the 201 error again

Hit Retry.

i did but not working

Please help

It’s weird. I’d just reinstall everything to make sure it’s oke.

now its 217

and now 201 again

are there orther people have this problem?

nnow i get 216 and 203 to

Screenshots? Perhaps?

@kas123456789 it is This one

@kas123456789 from 9days ago


i did 100 times

i fixed it i need to launch normal gtav 5 first en a few seconds later fivereborn and then close gtav again

Locked - issue resolved