Enabling Rconlog


I’m using a admin web panel to record warning / bans
At the moment I’m not able to press the kick/ban button wanting it to action in game and been advised to make sure ■■■■■■■ is enabled. Can anyone advise how I go around checking this?

  • ■■■■■■■ Is listed in server.cfg to (start ■■■■■■■)
  • ■■■■■■■ password is added to the server config which was provided by Zap Hosting

Is there anything else to enabling ■■■■■■■?

Just look for “Started ■■■■■■■” when starting the server or type status or clientkick in rcon or console and see if the command works


When typing this in game It just says “/Status and /clientkick isn’t a valid command!”?

Not with a /.

Type Status and clientkick with no /

I’m using Ice con and when doing ‘Status’ or ‘Clientkick’ It’ll work but won’t work when in game? Is this normal?



If you’re having native administrative privileges (command.clientkick/command.status etc.) and are not using a weird ‘custom chat’ resource based on outdated code, even clientkick and status should work from within the game.

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