ELS Client Side

Does ElS work client side, if so how do I install?
(I do NOT want Els FIVEM server)

use the search function on the forums or use google, its the same steps as it normaly would be to install ELS.

To use it properly you’ll have to use one of the server sided resources, they also explain very clearly how to set things up client/server sided in said topics.

What server side resource

There mine and one other called ELS+

Link to mine: https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-els-fivem-server-sync-lights-sirens-custom-patterns

Wait so for els client to work you need els server side

Yes. The only way to get proper sync

Huh, but what about the Server side UI cause I don’t wanna see it while I play

There’s a key combo to disable it.

What’s the combination

What if there isnt ELS server side? Would the client side still work?