[ELS] BCSO Mega Pack [FIXED..... AGAIN]

yeah i did that and also changed to a whole new vehicles and carvariation.meta

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Can I get a clean answer on this
Which one of the versions works then everybody is spamming their own version
Did OP get his shit together and uploaded the correct one or do I have to get one from the comments
Thank you

It should be the one from the comments. What i did was, grab the OP’s version and then get the version from Alex_Hicks above, mesh the two together and you got yourself a working pack!

I can upload the fixed version here if that helps people in the future!

It sure would help people in the future, it would help me right now also.
Thank you so much

When i get home ill get it packaged and uploaded for yah!

Mine alone will work

The download link is broken sir xD

Make non els verton would love to use theses not everyone can make els work

Download Link Broken!!

That literally requires you to redo the whole lighting on model side. This is going to become like LSPDFR where half the models are going to be ELS and half are not and you are going to have to deal with it :man_shrugging:

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you can try our els system it is streamed from server to client and synced :smiley: ELS+ | fic

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I would if I know how to install

Hey look wild install instructions appeared:

What does it mean by the step 3 I’m confused on that part.

Add that line to your server.cfg and replace the RESOURCENAME with what you named the resource so if you named it els-plus it would be: add_ace resource.els-plus command.add_ace allow

ok another question how do i add the els cars i done that other part

Look right below the install instructions

All downloads are broken.

Yeah I know I have to add them but doesn’t explain were u place the files that els cars come with

I don’t get 2,3,4 if someone who uses els plus could help that be great