Drug activity required cops online

I am trying to change the # of required cops online for the drug and robberies - in the config file of ESX_drugs it gives you this following line that I am editing, and every time I edit it and save it - it’s always reverting back to the original “2”. I am trying to disable this portion for testing purposes so that these actions (drugs and robberies) can happen with 0 cops online. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?


Config = {}
Config.MarkerType = 1
Config.DrawDistance = 100.0
Config.ZoneSize = {x = 5.0, y = 5.0, z = 3.0}
Config.MarkerColor = {r = 100, g = 204, b = 100}
Config.ShowBlips = true --markers visible on the map? (false to hide the markers on the map)

Config.RequiredCopsCoke = 2
Config.RequiredCopsMeth = 2 <----- I’ve been changing all 4 of these values, and no mater what I change them
Config.RequiredCopsWeed = 2 to they’ve been reverting back to the “2”
Config.RequiredCopsOpium = 2

Config.TimeToFarm = 17 * 1000
Config.TimeToProcess = 46 * 1000
Config.TimeToSell = 5 * 1000

Config.Locale = ‘en’

Config.Zones = {
CokeField = {x = 2448.92, y = -1836.80, z = 51.95, name = _U(‘coke_field’), sprite = 501, color = 40},
CokeProcessing = {x = -458.13, y = -2278.61, z = 7.51, name = _U(‘coke_processing’), sprite = 478, color = 40},
CokeDealer = {x = -1756.19, y = 427.31, z =126.68, name = _U(‘coke_dealer’), sprite = 500, color = 75},
MethField = {x = 1525.29, y = 1710.02, z = 109.00, name = _U(‘meth_field’), sprite = 499, color = 26},
MethProcessing = {x = -1001.41, y = 4848.00, z = 274.00, name = _U(‘meth_processing’), sprite = 499, color = 26},
MethDealer = {x = -63.59, y = -1224.07, z = 27.76, name = _U(‘meth_dealer’), sprite = 500, color = 75},
WeedField = {x = 1609.12, y = 6663.59, z = 20.96, name = _U(‘weed_field’), sprite = 496, color = 52},
WeedProcessing = {x = 91.06, y = 3750.03, z = 39.77, name = _U(‘weed_processing’), sprite = 496, color = 52},
WeedDealer = {x = -54.24, y = -1443.36, z = 31.06, name = _U(‘weed_dealer’), sprite = 500, color = 75},
OpiumField = {x = 1972.78, y = 3819.39, z = 32.50, name = _U(‘opium_field’), sprite = 51, color = 60},
OpiumProcessing = {x = 971.86, y = -2157.00, z = 28.47, name = _U(‘opium_processing’), sprite = 51, color = 60},
OpiumDealer = {x = 2331.08, y = 2570.22, z = 45.30, name = _U(‘opium_dealer’), sprite = 500, color = 75}

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