🔔 Divide Roleplay || Very Lenient || vMenu || PUBLIC & Whitelisted

Thank you for those kind words! :heart:

Looks like the police are down near grove… watch out…

We are looking for members to drive these vehicles, and be apart of our amazing community! Click here to back to the main post and join the voice server!

We will be available to do interviews for the next few hours! Just hope into our voice server located in our main post!

The Los Santos Police Department just got a new vehicle added to their fleet!

We will be available to do interviews for the next hour or so! Feel free to join the voice server located in our main post!

The mountains of Chilliad are looking a bit blue today…

We will be available to do interviews for the next few hours! Just hope into our voice server located in our main post!

Photo Credit: Reed W. 5B-01

This LSPD Officer getting ready to leave the station, watch out!

We are still looking for members, join the voice server above in the main post.

We now have 2 servers! One public and one whitelisted! Join the voice server in the main post above to become whitelisted

Thats right

We are also patrolling on our public server!

Click below to connect!

Or if that doesnt work, just direct connect to

We are currently looking for command staff for LSPD, BCSO, Dispatch and Fire. In order for a community to run smoothly, it needs an active and professional staff team. If you are interested in becoming command staff. Join the voice server located in the main post.

We are patrolling right now, you can join the public server at

Just direct connect!

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We are patrolling currently in the public server, join to have a good time.

We are currently patrolling on our public server, you can join by either finding us in the server list or connecting via IP

We are currently patrolling on our public server, you can join by either finding us in the server list or connecting via IP