DiscordTagIDs --- I know, I know, I only make discord-based scripts

Hi @OfficialBadger ,

I have your plugin in my server and it works perfect but we have a problem or “non implemented feature” and is that hiding the tag has no persistence as soon as a user connects to the server, so you have to be writing the command to hide my own tag from the rest of the time.

I would not know what would be the best way to create this persistence and verify that when a user connects to the server verify each tag of each player if it should be on or off.

Very good job for the plugin!

I’m confused by what you mean. Can you explain it once more, sorry?

Yes, I know my english isn’t very good.

Let’s say that I enter the server (I’m Admin) and the “Admin” tag appears next to the ID, so I decide to hide it for x reason.

If, for example, after having hidden it, a player enters the server, that same user sees me the TAG and I have to execute the command again to hide my TAG from this recent user.

I do not know if I explain myself well, but somehow the TAG is currently only hidden for current users on the server, if someone enters later, the command does not take effect.

When i execute the command, it says tag active. But nothing shows up (also says in console that itfound the role ID

Only other players can see your tag. You can’t see your own tag

Ahh yes, this was fixed with the latest update. I had a few users who had me test it on their Onesync server and they merged their fixes to the master branch. Latest files on GitHub should suffice. Sorry about that.

Okay thank you very much. I will try it and if I find any other problem I tell you.

Good job!

Ok. But I cant see my co-owner, but it says it found the role. But it doesnt display

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where you can change the color of each role

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Change the colors with the ~w~ and stuff. You can find color codes somewhere here on the forums

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example ? {1, “~r~^4STAFF ~w~”}, --[[ T-Mod ]]–
this is correct or can you give me an example please

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The ^4 and color codes like that are for chat, not for tags

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can you give me the example please

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Can you give me an example?

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{1, “~g~^4STAFF ~w~”}, --[[ T-Mod ]]–
I think I understand that if I put the g the color would be green if I put b would be blue?

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for example are the initials of each color?

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I cant seem to get this to work, My Discord_Perms file is working correctly, and in game when I do tag-toggle it says its now active although the tag does not appear. There are no error codes presented

Config for TagID’s

Config for Discord_perms

And here are the roles im working with (I know the ID’s are correct)

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What is not working?

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The tag its self, When I do the toggle it says its now active but nothing appears above my name nor anyone elses. But I dont get any errors

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