Discord roles for permissions (im creative, i know)

That seems to happen when there’s an error in your setup, I have just pushed a slight change to the error code, I can’t test however, but It should at least stop the error

with the last update

THIS IS SIMPLY AMAZING! Both Creative & Well done! Like always

You da bestestest :heart::raised_hands:t3:


That’s, odd… Cannot check either until I get home


I did say it was a stupid question but I might replace that with this. :rofl:

There we go, i fixed the issue with the system, for some reason, it just randomly decided to happen to me, so now i actually know what the issue was.

have fun role-ing

Please let me know if you still experience any other issues, @FREAK and @sycho56

It’s now functional with the latest server build, thank you!

Though I am still having my initial problems getting the export to work. Would this be something wrong with this script or something wrong with the script I’m trying to write? Any information will help.

Without seeing any code, i cannot say specifically.

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I’m sure I’m asking a lot but could you give me a short bit of example code that will, maybe just say something in chat if I have a certain role? If that works I think I can figure it out from there

RegisterCommand("amispecial", function(source,args,raw)
	local hasPerms = exports.discord_perms:IsRolePresent(source, "admin")
	TriggerClientEvent("chat:addMessage", source, { args = {"", "You are "..(hasPerms and "" or "not").." special because you have the admin role in discord!"} })
end, false)

and in config.lua, ensure that you have something like:

Roles = {
    ["admin"] = "RoleIdHere"

Untested, but should work

I will give it a test when I get home and let have know if I have issues from there. Thank you very much, you’ve exceeded my expectations in helpfulness.

Thanks that was wat i asked about

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Okay, i get your point, no need to post it twice.

Just tested it now, and it worked here, so, let me know if you have any issues :slight_smile:

Is there any way to use this with RolesFX so if somone have donator rank on the discord the get it on the server?

Great release!

Anyone know why it returns only {“code”: 0, “message”: “401: Unauthorized”} instead of my server roles ?
Bot have all permissions.