[Discontinued] Simple Banking 2.0 - Now with GUI

Did you also change the urls in scripts.js?

From http://banking/ to http://bank/ yea

Yea, the issue is other’s are renaming the name without changing these values.

That’s why yours works then. Other people are renaming without changing the urls

so how u fix this u say go into script.js?

Either change the links to whatever you called your folder or keep the banking folder named ‘banking’

Pour ceux qui voudrais dĂ©sactiver les mouvement des joueurs avec la manette lors qu’ils sont dans le menu.
voila les lignes a modifier dans le client.lua

For those who would disable the movement of players with the joystick when they are in the menu.
Here are the rows to modify in the client.lua

– Disable controls while GUI open
while true do
if bankOpen or atmOpen then
local ply = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local active = true
FreezeEntityPosition(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) – freeze player
DisableControlAction(0, 1, active) – LookLeftRight
DisableControlAction(0, 2, active) – LookUpDown
DisableControlAction(0, 24, active) – Attack
DisablePlayerFiring(ply, true) – Disable weapon firing
DisableControlAction(0, 142, active) – MeleeAttackAlternate
DisableControlAction(0, 106, active) – VehicleMouseControlOverride
if IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, 24) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased(0, 142) then – MeleeAttackAlternate
SendNUIMessage({type = “click”})

– NUI Callback Methods
RegisterNUICallback(‘close’, function(data, cb)
FreezeEntityPosition(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) – unfreeze player

:rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: Warning : new duplication method. :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:
There are dupe method with money transfer, someone on my server use transfer for get “cheated money” he can’t explain how but’s it’s real, and there are a bug, lot of players cant transfert money (error : not enought money in account) while they have :no_mouth:

Update 2.04 27/04/17

Bug Fixes:
- Can no longer transfer to self. Should solve the bug @Havanna told me about 

Thanks @Havanna

Still not sure whats causing not enough money error for some. Will need to look into that one a bit more.

Hey GBJoel, I’ve a problem with the script. It occured only when an other player try to use the TRANSFER function to give me money. The /transfer works but the GUI one is causing problem :confused:

Can you pm me a screenshot or more details please?

I can’t PM you cause I’ve a fresh account so I’ll explain

We are 2 on the server and when we want to use transfer in a bank only one character can send money. The one who is connected in first to the server. To simplify P1 can send money to P2 but P2 can’t send to P1. Got ‘Cannot transfer to self’ error.

PS : I use the last server.lua that you posted on GitHub

Ahh ok, thanks! I’ll look into it

Kind of noob question here but for some reason it won’t let me import the db.sql into my existing DB?

Gonna need more than that. What errors does it give?

[Window Title]
Unnamed: Error

SQL Error (1146): Table ‘db7506.users’ doesn’t exist


Find some help on this error

Have you installed essentialmode and set up the essentialmode DB?

Yeah I have. I have the files in my ftp, yml etc, how do I ensure its on my DB correctly?

Send a screenshot of your database, would help a bit. Because users table doesn’t exist in db7506, where you try to import.

hey guys
sorry for my english (I’m french)
I’ve got problem with your script (and other script) when I launch my serv, this error message was write

can you help me pls