[Discontinued] Fishing v0.0.5b

do you know a list of code for types of buttons, i would like to change it to ]

#FiveM wiki

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Why is this not working?

works fine for me, check your keybind that its not already on something , or you have screwed something up

Hi @FoxXXL, nice idea gonna test it!

In the meantime, here’s the italian translation:

elseif msg.lang == 'it' then
	msg[1] = "Hai buttato l'esca, aspetta che un pesce abbocchi..."
	msg[2] = "Il pesce è scappato..."
	msg[3] = "Hai preso un pesce!"
	msg[4] = "Il pesce si è liberato!"
	msg[5] = "Ne hai beccato uno, avvolgi la bobina!"
	msg[6] = "Devi essere in acqua per pescare!"

I love the bar animation, does anyone know how to use this in other scripts? Like what parts do I take out?

What if i want to get a item in my backpack?? how could the script look like

cant get item when i fishing