[Discontinued-CFX] Mission System

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot man, GREAT work!!

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Look at VDK inventory release, the problem come from here :wink:

Yeah --> PRIMARY KEY (user_id,item_id)
This is bullshit DB modelling :wink:

hey Thanks man, your work rock :slight_smile: i have a probleme idk what but i receive no money when i sell my shit can you help me plz ?

i have the harvest weed working.and it goes in my inventory.but when i try to sell. it says no shit no money
is there a place to process the weed before selling? if so can you tell me where thanks :slight_smile:

Hey guy’s i have this error and i don’t understand xD

RequĂȘte SQL :

MySQL a répondu: Documentation

#1046 - Aucune base n’a Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©e

Thanks for this script, working fine !! I added a lot of jobs with this script. Can you eventually say me how i can make the item menu disappear after X seconds ? :3

The sell works but we don’t receive the money why ?

Hey i i have this error when i sell my shit can you help me plz and i dont receive money

Genox : I don’t understand what your problem is ^^’
Bu11DoggQc & Neurowend : Have you all requirements installed on your server ?
Ryan_Streich : Yes, you have to turn your weed into shit in the altruist camp (coords in the script)
Tagas : Go in your gta5 database before run the SQL Script (it’s from VDK Inventory)
Protoxz: Inventory is made by https://github.com/vodkhard/vdk_inventory

Sorry I was not able to post (limitation for new users ^^’)

New script more user-friendly by Vodkhard, please have a look to this : [Release] Harvest/Treatment/Selling Jobs System v1.1

I prefer your script, it’s working i just change the line :

if qte > 0 then
TriggerEvent(‘player:looseItem’,2, 1)
TriggerServerEvent(‘mission:completed’, 50)
AddTextComponentString("~g~Here you’re 50$ for your shit.")
DrawSubtitleTimed(2000, 1)


if qte > 0 then
TriggerEvent(‘player:sellItem’,2, Price)
TriggerServerEvent(‘mission:completed’, 50)
AddTextComponentString("~g~Here you’re 85$ for your shit.")
DrawSubtitleTimed(2000, 1)

And now i receive the money :slight_smile:

But do you know how to made like :
if i’m miner i can see the marker, else i can’t see it ?

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I don’t think about how to add marker but I think you can check if you are a miner (use a already existing loadout system ??) then you display the marker.
I think you can add this check in condition block in the client thread (line line 73-76 for example)

I don’t have the knowledge for that, if you can make an exemple or a base script it would be very nice, i can config, but create i don’t know how x)

No problem, but not tonight. I think I do it tomorrow.

Alright thanks for your answer :slight_smile: pm me if you can ?

I fixed my problem, it was the utf8mb4 row that needed to be changed to utf8 only. :blush:

but thanks for answering! :wink:

Hello i have problem Hi, when I’m going to sell, I do not receive the money, even giving the message I received.

I’m with the same problem could you help me?

Have you install MissionText ?