Disable controller for all menu?

Hello !

English :
I want to know if it’s possible to disable the controller for all menu ?
Only the keyboard could open menu and the controller could be use for driving ?

Thank you :wink:



I need this too… The keys are a pain in the ass to deal with. I’m having trouble setting it up so that all controller keys do not toggle the menu. But i think we can’t do it cuz a key calls for a function and the menus are triggered by a call to function (keyboard) and it’s their equal on controller that reacts to it too…

How come it’s the only post and only you that is talking about this??
Isn’t it a mess for every server owner? xD
Have some people come with solutions on their side already? Cuz i can’t find one…

only viable solution is to use entirely slash based commands, because binding keys breaks them… I just want to disable controllers entirely… sorry not sorry.

Try InputGroup 2 on keys?
Pretty sure that makes controls keyboard only, not sure though

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When you call your control pressed native, also check if the last input method is 0, it’s a good workaround, it just checks to see if the last input type was the keyboard.


if ( IsControlJustReleased( 0, 166 ) or IsDisabledControlJustReleased( 0, 166 ) ) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) then 


where would you put InputGroup 2 for example in this

@sadboilogan Where would I put InputGroup 2 ?

ur a life saver i searched for this so much and finnaly found it i can finally make my server controller friendly