Deprecating CitizenMP.Server

I know right, the new sever will be able to allow 64 players, no change is required for the client and basically all resources/plugins work after you port them over by adding them to the server config.

this is why this change shouldnt be made so soon, people are too retarded to run a fuckin .bat or cd into a directory

Hey relax bro! No one has disrespected no one here. Not everybody is clever as you, sorry man. :wink:

Definetly no education.

If you can’t run a flippin’ .bat file or CD into a directory, you shouldn’t be hosting a server in the first place. IMO.


I’m not talking about myself. I got a FXServer running correctly. My problem was that i had a space in the dir name.(Wiki don’t documentate it) But not everybody has knowledge about all. Everybody will need help in its lifes. Nobody has born knowing all.

I’m not talking about myself. I got a FXServer running correctly. My problem was that i had a space in the dir name.(Wiki don’t documentate it) But not everybody has knowledge about all. Everybody will need help in its lifes. Nobody has born knowing all.

If you’re going to be hosting a Windows server, you should know the ins and outs of cmd and perhaps powershell. If you’re going to be hosting a Linux server, you should know the ins and outs of the terminal. If you knew how to use cmd, you’d know that you can’t use spaces unless you wrap what you want that has spaces in quotation marks. It doesn’t have to be documented on the FiveM wiki as it’s nothing to do with FiveM - they assume that you know this if you’re going to be hosting a server because well, you are suppose to know this if you’re going to be hosting a server. Don’t bring up the whole “nobody has all the knowledge in the world”. Yes, not everybody has that but if you have internet access, you have access to Google. I’ve learned almost everything by just googling a few keywords.


Not sure if it was a problem on my end or if it’s a bug but while testing the commands that can be done as admin it seems as if typing /say from in the game crashes the server even if it’s executed by someone who is not an admin.

After the command is typed, the following message gets printed.

Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

For now you just can remove that command from chat/sv_chat.lua

exactly this:
RegisterCommand('say', function(source, args, rawCommand) TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, (source == 0) and 'console' or GetPlayerName(source), { 255, 255, 255 }, rawCommand:sub(5)) end)

what are you people talking about?
new server stuff and this “migrating” is a good reason to check your code and redo some scripts. You using someoneelses scripts and talking about hard-to-migrate issues. Some of you just like old fart. Scared of everything new. Cheers to FiveM devs. Thanks for all you contribution.
My ill leave me alone for a while and i can continue development now. And this new server is a good reason for it.


I have no issues with the FXservers but one. This not being able to bind matter what I do, port forward or etc… it still won’t bind. I never had this issue with CitizenMP, all 5 developers on my team can’t get it to work. It’s been 5 days with only 5 hours of sleep a day and I still cant figure out the issue. I like how this is pushing me to learn more :slight_smile: I hope someone here can tell me if I can use something else aside of 30210 :smiley:

Already have but I just figured I would report it so that it may be fixed as this is a serious issue.

I keep getting this after setup failed to get instance for guid and hangs on “sending heartbeat” any idea why ?

seriously. unsure why people would be running servers without the desire to code them.
if you just want to play, find a place to play, or find someone that wants to dev for you.

this is when you go through your entire script base and rewrite anything that looks jinky.

sometimes there’s time for play and sometimes a time for learning, and for me, the learning is the play.

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I’ve started an FXServer, here is what I have found.

My command script (basic stuff like /help, /commands, /teamspeak, etc) doesn’t work. (Although im looking into fixing that)

There are not alot of resources for FXServer, most people are still developing resources for the old citmp server.

There is not alot of documentation regarding FXServer, and same thing with CitMP server, I seen a post saying “The community needs to add stuff to the wiki”. Most people here don’t even know basic lua, compared to the developers, I think the FiveM devs should add to the wiki instead of the community, I havent seen a sinle post on the wiki from a community member.

Please correct me if im wrong. 
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Really, no posts on the wiki from a community member?

And that’s just stuff that I did. Take a look here as well by the way

Tons that aren’t by the devs.

Please don’t make assumptions without evidence.

This is great, i don’t know how to run this, i use citmp and its easy and simple. ive created a whole server and put so much work into it and now its going to be lost?

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No need to overreact, look at the Server Tutorials section, there are tutorials for getting an FXserver setup.
And the porting of scripts shouldn’t be too difficult as afaik, not much has changed that would cause heaps of reworks.

They could make an option for citmp but they wont! this is sad :’(

Then you can create a tutorial topic or make a tutorial video for converting citmp scripts to fx scripts.