[Deprecated] [ESX] Disc-InventoryHUD

how long for fix

not working weapons in inventory for me :frowning: can some one help me?
i installed disc-armory and disc-base, but still not working…

disc inventoryhud is down at the moment

what? :smiley:

same problem with guns…

if someone can help me add weapons in to inventory from this: https://prnt.sc/pv42mg ? <3 :frowning:

giveitem WEAPON_REVOLVER <-- work
giveweapon WEAPON_REVOLVER <-- not work weapon

I need help none of the Icons show up at all

And I have no error codes

weapons are items easy fix just do give item

invenotryhud is having issues

still working good. if you are having issues its cause you forgot to add an item to database or have minus the item in database.

not work. ~1h worked

Hello. I cant use my item WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE , i get notification “Action Impossible” but if I have 2 unit of carbinerifle I can use it. same things at all of items in my db

— edit

oh I found a problem, in my SQL user_inventory has
78 steam:XYXYXYXYXY coffee -4
-4 unit of coffe . but idk why Oo

Hi all,

Has anyone had any luck with this talking to the inventory system(s) already in place within the ESX framework? Especially inventory storage that comes with housing?

Hello, I have a problem here.
My inventory resets after a restart of the resources “disc-base” and “disc-inventoryhud”

There are no console errors

How do I sell guns mark 2?
I’ve added WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2 to database and added to my “Illegal Weapons Shop” in the config.lua
I restart resources(disc-base then inventoryhud) an guess what?

An error. :neutral_face:

Okay!! Thanks you very much!, but how i can change the something like police armory or gang armory? :), u are awasome man <3

Weapons are used as items with this inventory so use giveitem.

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Make it so your inventory in the database can’t go negative