[Deprecated] [ESX] Disc-InventoryHUD

@dkostin Do you mean i have to change the columns in user_inventory in my database??

no … you have to put in ESX_kashacters the table and the column

for those asking for how to add more shops this is a template, make sure when separating shops use


and for the last shop finish it with


As shown below.

Config = {}

Config.OpenControl = 289
Config.TrunkOpenControl = 47
Config.DeleteDropsOnStart = false

Config.Shops = {
    ['EXAMPLE SHOP 1'] = {
        coords = {
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),		

        items = {
        { name = "bread", price = 100, count = 1 },
        { name = "water", price = 100, count = 1 },
	    { name = "clip", price = 2000, count = 1 },
        { name = "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", price = 2500, count = 1 },
        markerType = 29,
        markerColour = { r = 40, g = 250, b = 17 },
        blipColour = 2,
        blipSprite = 52,
        msg = 'Open Shop ~INPUT_CONTEXT~',
        enableBlip = true,
        job = 'all'
    ['EXAMPLE SHOP 2'] = {
        coords = {
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),
        items = {
        { name = "bread", price = 100, count = 1 },
        { name = "water", price = 100, count = 1 },
        { name = "clip", price = 2000, count = 1 },
        { name = "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", price = 2500, count = 1 },
        markerType = 32,
        markerColour = { r = 40, g = 250, b = 17 },
        blipColour = 2,
        blipSprite = 52,
        msg = 'Open Shop ~INPUT_CONTEXT~',
        enableBlip = true,
        job = 'all'
    ['EXAMPLE SHOP 3'] = {
        coords = {
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),
        vector3(X CORD, Y CORD, Z CORD),
        items = {
        { name = "bread", price = 100, count = 1 },
        { name = "water", price = 100, count = 1 },
        { name = "clip", price = 2000, count = 1 },
        { name = "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", price = 2500, count = 1 },
        markerType = 29,
        markerColour = { r = 40, g = 250, b = 17 },
        blipColour = 2,
        blipSprite = 150,
        msg = 'Open Shop ~INPUT_CONTEXT~',
        enableBlip = true,
        job = 'all'

Config.Stash = {
    ['Police'] = {
        coords = vector3(457.76, -981.05, 30.69),
        size = vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
        job = 'police',
        markerType = 2,
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        msg = 'Open Stash ~INPUT_CONTEXT~'
    ['Police Stash'] = {
        coords = vector3(456.76, -981.05, 30.69),
        size = vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
        job = 'police',
        markerType = 2,
        markerColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 },
        msg = 'Open Stash ~INPUT_CONTEXT~'

Config.Steal = {
    black_money = true,
    cash = true

Config.Seize = {
    black_money = true,
    cash = true

--Courtesy DoctorTwitch
Config.VehicleSlot = {
    [0] = 10, --Compact
    [1] = 15, --Sedan
    [2] = 20, --SUV
    [3] = 15, --Coupes
    [4] = 5, --Muscle
    [5] = 5, --Sports Classics
    [6] = 5, --Sports
    [7] = 0, --Super
    [8] = 5, --Motorcycles
    [9] = 10, --Off-road
    [10] = 20, --Industrial
    [11] = 20, --Utility
    [12] = 30, --Vans
    [13] = 0, --Cycles
    [14] = 0, --Boats
    [15] = 0, --Helicopters
    [16] = 0, --Planes
    [17] = 20, --Service
    [18] = 20, --Emergency
    [19] = 90, --Military
    [20] = 0, --Commercial
    [21] = 0 --Trains
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[ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “UPDATE user_inventory SET owner = ‘Char1:11000010a212d86’ WHERE owner = ‘steam:11000010a212d86’ {=}”: Unknown column ‘owner’ in ‘where clause’

I get this error how do i solve it??

Bug: Once respawn you still have the items but cannot be used. You need to type manually the “ensureINV” to clear the inventory.

is there a way to make is so i have more boxes in my personal storage?

Man you have to add the column in esx_kas … Look at the error you’ll know

Giving items does not work for me, it only says in the bottom right box that the item was given, but I have the item still in my inv and the target player didnt get anything. Could anyone give me any help? I really want to start using this inv. (Yes I used all SQL files)

pretty sure that feature is still being work on by disc

yes look for “SLOTS” somewhere in the files and change it.

can i change the size of the grid… to make the personal inventory a little bit smaller in size? a lil less “full screen”…

which luas would control that ?

Posting here because I really like this inventory system and related scripts and I’m hoping it will be modified at some point to work with the new es_extended personal inventory weight system.

I read the OP’s note on his github about why he’s not pursuing that system at this time. But as I lack the skills to modify it myself I will instead look forward to the time when he deems it feasible. :slight_smile:

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@krx_SWE1 i am having the same problem bro… can you help me telling how you fixed it?

what even is the point of the weight system?

is it away to add the invetory to the beds and motels for lsrp-motels ? how am im doing it to make it worke then becue i love this inventory :smiley:

how would I make ammunition require a gun license? or do i not create it like creating a regular store?

nothing appears in my inventory


We us esx-kr-advanced-shops for the shops.
When we buy multiple items, we pay for more, but only get 1 in our inventory.
When buying the products separately, i can buy anything.

Any idea how we can fix this? I think it’s adding the product to fast into the database, so it cant handle the load in DISC

The issue is that the script has a issue at the moment syncing the user_inventory table with the inventoryhud’s table…

sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t automatically

until it’s fixed use /ensureinv to initiate a manual sync

Don’t use LSRP-Motels… it’s insanely bugged;… use disc-property and add in the motels using the MLO Interior