Deposit Objec in police,taxi other job it does not work

Hello, as you will see, I hired a space in zap. to try some things and scripts and I have been surprised that at the time of depositatr objects is in taxi driver, police or another job that has this same system “deposit objects”

it does not work, I select the object and return to the menu but nothing is saved.

that I have to change or activate so that it works correctly for me,

I have seen in the console that I do not give any error.

Like the system of seeing fines that people have, I give them “to administer fines inpagadas” and nothing appears, the fines do not come out even though they do have them.

The same happens in the properties bought or rented. you can only deposit weapons but not things like water, bread, medkits or similar things

Error running call reference function for resource esx_addoninventory: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:405: @esx_addoninventory/server/classes/addoninventory.lua:39: attempt to index a nil value (global 'Items') 
stack traceback: 
@esx_addoninventory/server/classes/addoninventory.lua:39: in upvalue 'ref' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:391: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:390> 
[C]: in function 'xpcall' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:390: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:389> 
stack traceback: 
[C]: in function 'error' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:405: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:374> 
[C]: in function 'coroutine.resume' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:34: in field 'CreateThreadNow' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:218: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:182> 
Error running call reference function for resource esx_policejob: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:405: citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:830: missing bytes 
stack traceback: 
[C]: in function 'error' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:830: in method 'underflow' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:465: in field 'any' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:860: in field 'unpack' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:628: in field 'getItem' 
@esx_policejob/server/main.lua:145: in upvalue 'ref' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:391: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:390> 
[C]: in function 'xpcall' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:390: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:389> 
stack traceback: 
[C]: in function 'error' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:405: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:374> 
[C]: in function 'coroutine.resume' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:34: in field 'CreateThreadNow' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:218: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:182> 
Error running system event handling function for resource esx_addoninventory: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: Failed to execute thread: citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:830: missing bytes 
stack traceback: 
[C]: in function 'error' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:830: in method 'underflow' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:465: in field 'any' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:860: in field 'unpack' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:628: in local 'cb' 
@esx_addoninventory/server/main.lua:86: in upvalue 'handler' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:219: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:218> 
stack traceback: 
[C]: in function 'error' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: in field 'CreateThreadNow' 
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:218: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:182>

Hello, have u find the problem about the deposit items doesn’t work? could u please share it ? i’m having the same problem

no bro :frowning:

I’m having the same problem

change esx_addoninvetory server/main.lua top

local InventoriesIndex, Inventories, SharedInventories, Items = {}, {}, {}, {}

to this

Items = {}
local InventoriesIndex, Inventories, SharedInventories = {}, {}, {}

and please learn github issue read, and look commit


Thank you very much for answering, long ago it was solved I did not know how to jjaja, with those who wrote you remind me that same had added to fix a bug of “inventoryhud 2.3” and with that it fixed all that.

Thank you

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