Delete-This Post Please

Thanks for the great script! love it! :slight_smile:
Im using the KASHacters Multi character, then the buttons wont work :frowning: , sorry im newb in this, but with the standard esx_identity the KASHacters works flawless :slight_smile: ( great script )! :slight_smile: can someone explain me what im doing wrong or what i should change to make it work? sorry for my english

Well, great script first of all. I downloaded pronto and tried it out, only problem is nothing works for me, I tried all commands and none of them work, I followed instructions precisely I have updated esx_identity, only replaced HTML folder and __resource.lua as you said in video. Doesn’t work for me, anyone had a fix?

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I’ve installed everything correctly but the command
/delchar 1, 2, or 3 doesn’t work for me. always gives me the message Failed To Delete Identity!
/selectchar 2 gives Failed to update Identity!

… help please?

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The video doesn’t load :frowning:

Updated Post with a text link click it and it will take you to the video and it should load.

Why player still can skip the register ?? is there anyway to stop them skip the register ?


My commands like /chardel etc. stopped working. People could change characters, delete characters but now it says character deletion is unsuccessful what might be the issue?

did you solve the issue?

I’ve updated the imgur link for the logo and it’s not updating? you know why?
Is the logo being read from anyway else in the files?

Kind Regards

did u ever get it to work?

How to change this ??

I don’t have fivem-gta-loading file !!

Anyone know how to disable control? player can skip character register. i was check the code but it already have disablecontrol but not work

OK, Thank You

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Hmm i’m not that good at lua, but i think this is blocking ESC from being use right ?

But it’s still working.
Help me please with this thing i’m trying to force registration.(ESC closing registration form)
I try to block different values (200 174 202 ESC) but its still working.
I’m pretty sure the problem is simple but i don’t have a clue how to fix it.

same with me. player can close the register form.

@Daniel_Martin, this is an English only forum.


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You save my life. thank you

Hello i have the same problem i can close the registration but what is the problem ?

Do you resolve the problem ?

my code is :

document.onkeyup = function (data) {
    if (data.which == 27) { // Escape key
        $.post('http://esx_identity/escape', JSON.stringify({}));

what i need to change to work ?

thanks you !!!