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was stolen from Nightlife or from you? That is good to hear you have gone Whitelisted. A lot of them are just remaining public and not caring for their members. A lack of police, that is shocking. When I was on the server there were no police and no ems. could have been the time I was on or just you have so few officers. Anyways I would try your server out again, but sadly the one time there just ruined it for me. I mean I was shot down by several people who are I guess big players. I was also robbed repeatedly of my food and money. It was almost pointless for me to play as I could not buy things to defend myself or do anything.

The code was stolen from Nightlife the code we made for them , we had used some of the code we made for nightlife still such as the hospital system and our hud as well (which is soon to be updated and changed) which they continue to use.
Again I apologize for your experience if you would like you can contact me via discord, and we can discuss the events that took place again, if there is RP reasoning behind the situation; which seems to be that there wasn’t any RP behind it?. then we will sort this issue out to prevent this issue from happening in the future. I can assure you most of our “big players” wouldn’t involve themselfs in such situations especially when the active community members that are constantly on try their best to be inviting of new people, seems like you may have ran into a group that probably joined bought a gun and tried to do what many attempt to do before figuring out its not that kind of server where they can just gun people down rob them and become some “big crime gang lords”. again I try my best to make sure our community is as inviting and enjoyable, everyone has their own take on roleplay but just attacking random people and targeting people for no reason is unacceptable and will be brought up in our monthly community meeting. I do not blame you if that put a stale taste in your mouth regarding the server I just wish this experience with shitlords was addressed at the time, again if there is no roleplay behind it or if they don’t have a reason or even a point for robbing you then it should not of even happened. Feel free to contact me at any time that seems fit for you regarding this situation so you can go into further detail about it if you can, so we can prevent this issue from happening again in the future.

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It is fine. I just prefer to stay away for right now. I was unimpressed and having no cops or ems was just sad signs to see. I get that you are whitelisted but that is now. I am sure those people who are “big crime lords” are still there. I think also think my friend who kind of follows me or I follow him to servers was banned from your discord for who knows what reason anymore. I think personally some of the people are just crappy rp people. I get it is not for everyone but when they say this person or this person is coming to the city to another person is that not FailRP? I would think that people should be striked when that happens. I mean I see No Pixel does that to people. Sometimes 3 days. So personally I will really have to think long and hard if your server is worth a shot.

i would love to be a cop or ems but if it like what i seen, no thanks. so Code you made for them is that not theft of property? I mean if they paid you for it or it was developed for them and used by them I would think it would be theft of property from them. Not saying it is or is not but sounds like it. I would love to see the server be more active and less shitlord before I apply back.

Looks good, can’t wait to play.