Delete me 4

I see where you are going with the ACL. But the ACL is not that advanced yet. It would have worked if this was (MTA) Multi Theft Auto. But maybe in the future.

i love this feature ! GG

What was happening was for some reason (And other people have had this to), it wasn’t allowing me admin status to get the admin menu up, but ACL gave me admin status. Not saying it’s anything with your trainer, but just a fix

You should have added your steam idea to the config. Would have been quicker.

I’ve had this on my server for a while now and it’s amazing. Looking forward to being able to save cars/skin loadouts!


I had my ID on the config. But for some reason it wasn’t recognizing me as an admin.

If any of you want to help with testing new versions of the trainer, including the new vehicle and ped saving features, please download the latest version of the beta on, and report any bugs or new features you would like to myself or @TheStonedTurtle.

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Its Saved a few cars, till I reset the trainer and now they are gone. Did not see any way to save a ped.

Ped saving is coming next, at the moment the only way to save cars is to be logged in to Steam, as the trainer uses your steamid as a unique identifier. The FXServer Rcon console should print any errors, such as a player not having a steamid or not.

Well, I can’t understand why that is not working for you. All you need to do is add your steam ID in the config. Like this —> “steam:110790195c33024”,

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@WolfKnight179 is it possible to add the blips/ player names option to the admin menu so they can toggle it on or off??

I know they are off by default but I want to prevent people from turning it back on!!

If there is any other way to do so I’d be glad to know =) (idk if removing the option from the trainer would work)

You can remove the option from the trainer and they will not be able to change the default value. (defined in variables.lua). You can also move the option to the admin section of the trainer but this would only turn on for the specific admin and not the entire server.

This project is currently in v0.3.0, by v1.0 we hope to make customization much easier for server owners so bear with us :slight_smile:

It is for now including a lot ! ! Keep up the good work =) Thanks for the help. I’ll definetely keep an eye on this post!

I can’t spawn any car

@Erikker16 What model was it? Was it an add on car? Were you using the preset list of cars or were you spawning it through the “Spawn by model” system?

It was the presenting list, i haven’t change anything. If I spawn the model nothing spawns.

Check your F8 console and the server console for any errors.

I can not activate “God mode”, using the beta version. …

What do you mean by “sweating the beta”. And god mode does have a few issues, the developers know about this.

Sorry, I meant “using the beta”.