Omega oof

Ive been informed that these are not ours. ValorRP has went through multiple devs and thanks to the guy putting his link below we will be removing this release. The dev has been removed.


just saying we can’t have any discord links.

No thats not true…

Any ‘look at my Discord chat’, ‘register on my site’, ‘go to my site to download’ and so on in releases will not be tolerated . This includes ‘early access for people registered/joined/…’ and similar.

^ That is from the TOS.

im just saying. But should your ad for your server must be in server bazzar

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els or non els?

non els

Why do you have to be 17 years old :joy:

Edit : i thought you meant that for the release, sorry

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Great skins!

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Since you’ve made it a stream able file you should have credits for Captain14 for the vehicles.

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Could you make a skin with this truck?


Remove all ad stuff. This ain’t #server-development:server-bazaar

Also credits to the vehicle creator please

Here you go man :grinning:


OOOOOOOOO Nice Realese

Where did you get the all blue pack. Captian14’s is red and blue?

I changed it…

i come across this release and was really excited, i installed it into my server spawned the vehicles and they are all ELS for some reason? any idea’s why please?

lol did you install it correctly? all you have to do is drag and drop the pack.