Crashes randomly

GTA V version? Latest version
Up to date? Latest version
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Socialclub
Windows version? Windows 10
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? No
Error screenshot (if any)
System specifications Dont really know how to get this
What did you do to get this issue? Nothing
What server did you get this issue on? Arnamide and Swedish loco
CitizenFX.log file How to fix this?
.dmp files/report IDs How to get this?

Very informative post. Did you try yelling at it? Without any info, or a working screenshot link for that matter, I can’t suggest much else.

Maybe try standing on your head and drinking a glass of water?

Very funny, im getting a working screenshot now. But what does all these crashing words mean?


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