(CLOSE) How do i get this in F2 menu

Hi, I’m playing some servers that have their jobs on their f2 menu, As said esx_menu_default, or whatever it is!

I wonder now if anyone can write how to add it!

Can you be more specific?


So you basicly want to display your current job into your personal inventory?

Yes man! I i will, I think its very cool

Alright, I supose you’re familiar to coding, So just simply add the code in

es_extended > client > functions.lua

You should add you code between line 1081- 1147

I will do it soon, Im right in a police scenario on fivem just now :wink:

There is one problem left, I dont know what the code i will write :confused:

I believe these 2 display the xPlayers current job.



This is in main.lua

local jobTpl = '<div>{{job_label}} - {{grade_label}}</div>'

if xPlayer.job.grade_label == '' then
	jobTpl = '<div>{{job_label}}</div>'

ESX.UI.HUD.RegisterElement('job', #xPlayer.accounts, 0, jobTpl, {
	job_label   = '',
	grade_label = ''

ESX.UI.HUD.UpdateElement('job', {
	job_label   = xPlayer.job.label,
	grade_label = xPlayer.job.grade_label


Do you think you can find a nice code for just that thing i want?

Why do you want me to do your work? i’ve told you what do do and where.

But where will i edit?

between line 1081- 1147 as they said before