Requesting Removal

I’m already checking

do chat command will still work with this installed?
like /tp

chat does not work as I write it, I have everything purple and there are no clouds . pleas healp me

You may also want to make sure to add that with esx_rpchat, esx_identity is a requirement unless you heavily modify the script.

Yes commands will still work

Did you follow the complete install instructions including the esx_rpchat dependencies such as esx_identity

please give me scipt

Added the requirements in the tutorial. I had forgot about it. thanks!

Here is my fork of the release.
I’m Still working on it but it has working /me and will be adding more command such as 911 and so on.


Theres nothing to give, if you have search for esx_identity and you will find it. That script is a requirement for esx_rpchat to function

Nice work, I may fork mine as well. Have added the /me, /do, /news and I like your idea with the 911, i have a 911 and panic to discord i may try to implement it into this

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Not working for me, all ou start are in order

Everything in here works great for us, thank you for the release we love how clean the chat looks now :+1:

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I change the command from tweet to twt and now first letter is removed?
Also changed anontweet to dw and now no text is displayed. What else do I need to change?

so beautiful, good work

because the numbers are off, my dude :stuck_out_tongue:

local msg = rawCommand:sub(6)

change that

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<3 thank you

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np enjoy

no way to get this chat box style for just standalone servers?

you would have to remove all the esx dependencies

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