Character texture problem

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GTA V version? Latest version
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Social Club
Windows version? Windows 7 , but i had this problem before FiveM went full Windows10
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? No but i reinstalled FiveM
Error screenshot (if any) there is no error
System specifications
What did you do to get this issue? I don’t now , it started when i decided to play using FiveM , so it’s from the start.
What server did you get this issue on? all servers
CitizenFX.log file
.dmp files/report IDs

there is a screen of the problem !

Can someone please help me with that ?

You should consider updating to Windows 10 as Windows 7 is no longer being supported by FiveM and then go from there as to see if the problem still exists.

If the problem has also been in the previous version of FiveM for you then Windows 7 could have been the problem from the beginning as Microsoft wont fix the problems that effects FiveM’s client.

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