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Hey I’m looking to join but there is no information on what to join and I’ve been sitting in your TS for 20 minutes now :confused:

Im here :slight_smile:
Sorry for the wait

hey dude am looking to be a cop or something in your server I have really good experience email me at for details

Hey man check your emails :slightly_smiling_face:

So, im trying to connect to your teamspeak and it doesnt work for me.

Hey I’m looking to join! I’m an admin on Columbus Law Enforcement RP Server have experience in a lot of situations. Supervisor experience. Looking to join another community! My email is

Hey man Hope on teamspeak and we can talk

We are now looking for patrol supervisor for the lspd and sheriff!
If you have experience please hope on the teamspeak.

I would like to say behalf all the staff on this server Thank you For Helping us Reach 15 members :slight_smile:
We are still recruiting btw!
Teamspeak is

Hello i i cant seem to get on your teamspeak is it down or something?