C# TriggerEvent() function how to trigger the Event of a specific Player

Hello! I’ve seen something like player.TriggerEvent(“chatMessage”, “myarg1”, myarg2);.
But this form doesnt exist anymore! There’s is only thee Function TriggerEvent();.
So my Question is how can I Trigger a Client Event of a specific Player in c#? I am working on a Server-Side-Script.

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TriggerClientEvent(string eventname, Player player, arg1, arg2,…)

To trigger on all players, just leave “Player player” empty.

Thanks I will try it out!

But this function doesnt exist. There is only a TriggerEvent Function! Do you mean that one?

No. Did you include the proper reference for the server?

Look at “1) Obtaining libraries”

Oh I think my Problem was that I didnt used the CitizenFX.Server.dll. I used the Client one!

I finally got the TriggerClientEvent Function thank you!

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