C# scripting bug?

I don’t know if this is a feauture that the fivem team is working on or a bug. Anyway when I use this method:
CitizenFX.Core.Native.API.SetPedDropsInventoryWeapon(ped, armaAttauleUint, 0, 2, 0, -1);

the weapon are dropped the other player can take the weapon but for some pistol the weapon disappear I mean you take the pistol but the pistol is not in your invetory, the pistol just disappear. For other guns there is not this bug.

Ok I found the problem , the weapon is dropped (and you can see the model) but since the delay if you take the weapon too early the weapon just disappear, meanwhile if you wait 10 second you will get the weapon.
I think is a problem connected to the delay is some Fivem data trasmission. I just said to the player to wait some sacond if they drop a weapon.