(C#) MenuAPI - MAPI v3.0.3 [RedM & FiveM]

You’ll need to put it inside a custom YTD file.
You can use this guide: How to add a custom banner to Vmenu... | The Solution it works the same for any menu created by MenuAPI, not just vMenu. In your case, for a custom menu, you don’t even need to replace the existing one (interaction_bg), you can just make a new texture in that YTD file, give it a custom name, and put it in the streaming folder of your resource. Then change the txdName to the name of the .YTD file, and the imageName to the name of the image inside the .YTD file.

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Hi there,

First of all, awesome api to use and thanks for sharing!

I’m working on a menu with this api (FiveM GTA) and i’m wondering if there is any way to disable the hotkey.

I can change MenuController.MenuToggleKey to a different Control and this works great. But i’m looking for a way to disable the hotkey all together.
I did find MenuController.DisableMenuButtons, but setting this to true disables all controls.

Or is the only way to edit the API from the sourcecode and use a custom version of it?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

You can set it to -1 like this:

MenuController.MenuToggleKey = (Control) -1;
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Thanks! that did the trick :slight_smile:

Hello, I am trying to make it so after a do a command the menu opens, the documentation says nothing about it, does anyone know how to do it, thanks.

hi. how to disable the key for menuapi? vstancer and vmenu used menuapi but i cant managed to disable the key in another LUA script. i tried DisableControlAction but doesnt work. only work if the menu are nativeui or esx based menu.

This would be amazing to have in JavaScript! :upside_down_face: