Bring back CitizenFX.log :(

Why remove the CitizenFX.log …
Now I can’t go back into all the lines of the server to find a error or anything if something happen…
Should atleast give us the option to activate it or not

It hasn’t been removed…

Well, with all the newer artefacts when you start your server it doesn’t create the CitizenFX.log that store everything from the console.

you can use tee on linux :man_shrugging: it was removed because it was a “bug”, not intended behaviour.

I use windows :
20 chars

tee is a thing on windows as well?

just install msys2 and it’s included in there

Logging for server applications is the responsibility of whatever tool you use to launch it.


use tee…

I came back to developing FiveM server and now this…

Could someone, please, tell me how to get console info somehow on Windows with msys2? I am way out of my knowledge here. Or at least point me some direction… :neutral_face:

I thought I might be able to get server console online to my website for more convenient oversight, but now I can’t even see it anywhere besides actual console itself. Which I don’t wanna even touch, not even to be actively looking for something there (because it freezes the whole server).